On your next trip to the dump...reconsider throwing out that old dresser that is falling apart! I took an old drawer and added a shelf to it, and molding on the top, stained the sides and inside and painted the top! Then I sanded it down to give it an aged look....and here it is...an adorable shelf to hang on the wall!
Love is definitely a funny thing. The dictionary describes it as an intense feeling of deep affection. Wikipedia explains love as ‘encompasses a range of strong and positive emotional and mental states.’ However we try to explain it or understand it, love is very exciting, complicated and even painful. I have spent a good portion of my life dedicated to those I love, by comitting my time, energy, and efforts while creating lasting and meaninful relationships. I have collected these lasting memories that are being stored on the shelves of my life. James M. Barrie said it perfectly; “God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December.” I still remember my first love...Ah! The sweetness of young love! We were in Grade 1, and on Valentine’s Day he presented me with the most wonderful handmade gift, a stuffed heart. It was made of flannel and had white lace around the outer edges. It looked like it was something he made, with hot glue holding it together, although I am sure he ...
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